Esta é uma letra que escrevi para uma música da Kumiho... a dona do Resmoneios Randômicos aí do lado. A melodia é linda, e ela merecia uma letra legal.
A idéia é um bardo velho contando a sua vida às pessoas em volta da fogueira. E cada verso dela refrete algo que eu já senti, vivi ou presenciei... em alguns casos metaforicamente, em outros literalmente.
The Swan's Song - fev 2010
Tell me, when you stand at the first step of a journey
Do you know all the paths that you'll take?
For now I am here, at the end of my road.
And looking behind,
At the roads that I have travelled,
The battles fought under the sun and the rain
I think of you who will hear my song
My rhymes are true, now, hear my song
For now I will sing about shadows in the night
And of light that shines
Light of our honor and love
I saw the death of all hopes in the night
Waiting for sunrise
I saw despair that lurked like a beast
Betrayal hiding in good deeds
Love that endured without chance though the years
Sometimes it was doomed to die
Oft it lived forevermore
And in its light I saw many things shine.
Leaves on the trees and the stars up in the sky
Their light, seen through the crowns
Breaks through the darkness of night
I saw the stars whose light gave us warmth
And from their warmth bravery came forth
People whose faces will face us from the crowd
They pass and they leave, all their stories remaining untold
Weakened and tired, without strength, without hope
Never do give up
These are my words, this is all I can say to you
In this song,
In my life
Now I'm going to rest.
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011
Some things never change...
This is something I wrote long ago. In the day I but dreamed of becoming a biologist. But somehow it makes sense right now. Not the precise words, but the meaning behind them. I kinda represents some events of last one or two years.
Falling - 16 dez 2004
Critical damage on a meaningless strike,
Critical failure on active defenses...
The will fin'lly broken, there shall be no healing
Perchance only Estë could help him right now...
The western light fading, the stars growing weaker
Immortal land - far away it's not for me...
A totally broken man, a dreamless daydreamer
The future is hopeless, just sorrow I see...
A critical strike when defences were zero,
The poison still flows through my veins...
Falling - 16 dez 2004
Critical damage on a meaningless strike,
Critical failure on active defenses...
The will fin'lly broken, there shall be no healing
Perchance only Estë could help him right now...
The western light fading, the stars growing weaker
Immortal land - far away it's not for me...
A totally broken man, a dreamless daydreamer
The future is hopeless, just sorrow I see...
A critical strike when defences were zero,
The poison still flows through my veins...
sábado, 9 de julho de 2011
And other feelings, strong and bright, may not be ever quite the same...
Aeee tá terminado! :)
Eu não achei o final muito bom. Mas estou com aquela sensação de que este poema tá completo, sabem? Todas as estrofas foram escritas, a mensagem é relativamente clara, e a ordem das estrofes tá fazendo sentido.
O mais complicado nele foi colocar as estrofes numa ordem fluida... Eu escrevi elas uma estrofe por vez, e acho que elas não fizeram um todo. São como se fossem dois a quatro poemas independentes, rs. Mas, é o que é.
Depois disso eu normalmente anotaria ele no meu caderno de poesias, mas meu caderno de poesias acabou... rs
*** - 22/6 - 9/7/2011
...An awkward feeling: to miss a feeling
That once you struggled to erase...
And somehow trying to regain it,
Though knowing it is bound to fail...
Those feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No silly smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever,
Like water on a sandy floor?...
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems.
And other feelings, strong and bright
May not be ever quite the same...
There never was a real chance. Yet, somehow
It seems to be so very wrong
To let it die, like this, forgotten
Beneath the melting snow...
Eu não achei o final muito bom. Mas estou com aquela sensação de que este poema tá completo, sabem? Todas as estrofas foram escritas, a mensagem é relativamente clara, e a ordem das estrofes tá fazendo sentido.
O mais complicado nele foi colocar as estrofes numa ordem fluida... Eu escrevi elas uma estrofe por vez, e acho que elas não fizeram um todo. São como se fossem dois a quatro poemas independentes, rs. Mas, é o que é.
Depois disso eu normalmente anotaria ele no meu caderno de poesias, mas meu caderno de poesias acabou... rs
*** - 22/6 - 9/7/2011
...An awkward feeling: to miss a feeling
That once you struggled to erase...
And somehow trying to regain it,
Though knowing it is bound to fail...
Those feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No silly smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever,
Like water on a sandy floor?...
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems.
And other feelings, strong and bright
May not be ever quite the same...
There never was a real chance. Yet, somehow
It seems to be so very wrong
To let it die, like this, forgotten
Beneath the melting snow...
quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011
Ainda em formação...
...An awkward feeling: to miss a feeling
That once you struggled to erase...
And somehow trying to regain it
Though knowing it is bound to fail...
For there has never been a chance. Yet, somehow
It seems to be so very wrong
To let it die, like this, forgotten
Under the melting snow...
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No silly smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not (so?) long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever?
Like water on a sandy floor?
For it was great and undeclared
So has it faded into nigh?
That once you struggled to erase...
And somehow trying to regain it
Though knowing it is bound to fail...
For there has never been a chance. Yet, somehow
It seems to be so very wrong
To let it die, like this, forgotten
Under the melting snow...
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No silly smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not (so?) long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever?
Like water on a sandy floor?
segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011
Poema ainda em formação
Lendo a última postagem no Collant Azul Royal (, de repente fiquei inspirado para escrever mais um trecho. Fiquei inspirado basicamente pela última frase da postagem - "Até mesmo porque, talvez nos restem somente as histórias." Aí escrevi mais uma estrofe e meia, mas acho que vou tirar a meia-estrofe. Ela não combina com o restante do poema.
Houve uma época em que eu escrevia quatro, seis, oito estrofes de uma vez e nunca mais mexia naquela obra, mas não mais.
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No stupid smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not (so?) long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever?
Like water on a sandy floor?
For it was great and undeclared
So has it faded into nigh?
Houve uma época em que eu escrevia quatro, seis, oito estrofes de uma vez e nunca mais mexia naquela obra, mas não mais.
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No stupid smiles on my face...
With her, and trying to remember
The way I felt not (so?) long ago
Could it have faded - once, forever?
Like water on a sandy floor?
sábado, 2 de julho de 2011
Poema em formação
Decidi fazer algo que nunca tinha feito: colocar um poema incompleto, nas fases iniciais de criação, e ir postando novamente à medida que vou completando ele. Esses trechos eu escrevi umas duas semanas atrás, num estado de depressão semi-profunda. É interessante como as melhores poesias saem destes estados, não? Provavelmente boa parte do que tá aqui não estará presente na versão final....
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No stupid smiles on my face...
These feelings that I deemed eternal -
Their memory begins to fade
"My one true love", as once I called her
Yet somehow, nothing does remain?
I knew a part of me would die -
And so it happened, now it seems
So strange and empty in this room now
With her, but, alas, not that feel
No rapid heartbeat, louder breathing
No stupid smiles on my face...
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